Our Practice

PAD Philosophy
“We Fit Our Patients; We don’t make Our patients Fit Us”
Dr. Chanda Gordon, DDS understands the hassle scheduling dental appointments can be for individuals and their families. Scheduling appointments can mean taking off work, early release for children, or just the overall frustration of trying to figure out how one could fit their dental appointment into their or their family’s day. As a result, many people will either miss their dental appointment or continue to post pone it, or neglect to make an appointment at all. Unfortunately our teeth do not get the urgent medical attention that we give to the rest of our body. Hence, many people are unaware of the connection of health problems with their teeth. With this staggering reality in mind, Dr. Gordon designed her dental practice with office hours to fit into the day of the average working class person or American family—after school and after work hours—3:00 PM to 8:PM, Mon-Fri. In addition, she has a 24 hour (by appointment immediate urgent care hotline). Her hope is that in providing more accessible dental hours, individuals and families will begin to give more attention and care to their teeth.
In addition, Dr. Gordon also provides dental tips to her patients that will encourage people to not only take better care of their teeth (preventive and maintenance), but how to save their teeth. Dr. Gordon strongly urges that “teeth extraction” should be a last resort option. Her practice philosophy is centered upon helping teeth survive. Objectively she hopes that these tips will provide you and your family with some very practical and necessary actions that will help your teeth survive, thereby, help to maintain health and wellness in your entire body.
Further, Dr. Gordon understands the psycho-social impact of unhealthy teeth verses healthy teeth. That is, teeth that are physically unattractive (& unhealthy) lower the self-esteem of an individual which can exponentially, negatively impact one’s life choices. She has found that patients who repair once badly damaged teeth, experience significant life style changes because their new smile has given them a new found since of self-confidence/self-hood. Hence, Dr. Gordon’s core dental philosophy is founded upon the ideology that, healthy and attractive teeth promote patient wellness–physically, mentally and emotionally, She often says “a confident smile leads to confident life choices.”